Akal Galaxy Convent School, Sidhupur, Lohian Khas is identified as being one of the most successful schools in the city. At the heart of this success are the core values that the whole school community believe are important.
Important as academic achievement is , there is much more to life at AGCS. We are well known for our success es in sports and outdoor pursuits as well as excelling in art, music and drama.
The Awards and Achievements received by our school has not only enriched the glory of the school but has also inspired us to work with greater dedication to explore and excel.
Many competitions are organized in our school.
*Poem recitation.
*Food without fire.
*House board decoration.
*show and tell.
*Dance competition.
*Quiz competition.
*Ad-mad show and many more.
We are also providing special Gatka classes as well as karate classes in our school under a skilled trainer.